Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Easter Bunny

Today we went to see the Easter Bunny.  My kids absolutely love characters of any kind (click HERE to see them last year).  Oliver was IN LOVE with the bunny!!  I was worried after how he reacted to Santa that he would not be into the Bunny this year but he was thrilled!!  As soon as we got there he was waving and yelling "HI BUNNY!!".  So when it was Claire and Oliver's turn he was thrilled.  He walked right up and hugged him!  Then he kept petting him, it was adorable.  When it came time to take the picture we had a hard time getting Oliver to stop looking at the bunny and look at us to smile!!  It was soooo cute!!!  Claire was a dream as always.  She hopped right up onto the Bunny's lap and told him she would like a stuffed hamster in her basket and that her brother would like a ball.  She was so sweet!  
  Then we made a quick stop at Penny's to get some socks and they were handing out bunny ears.  Of course, my children were thrilled to get some ears.  As soon as I put them on Oliver he said "Picture!" so I had to get a shot of my little bunnies.  And of course, Claire was ready to pose with a smile as always.  I love these bunnies!!!!!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Thank goodness his little nose healed in time for the picture!