Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We are international!

High: We got our enhanced licenses :)
Low: We didn't have time to get our cars detailed :(

Well folks we did it! We spent two and a half hours at the DMV but we got our enhanced licenses. Which really doesn't mean anything other than now we can go to Canada! It was pretty funny though because we ran into four people who all work for our school district!

Can you tell that Mark was a little annoyed at the DMV?

We got so much done today! We had a meeting with our insurance agent, got our new licenses, got both of our oil changed in our cars, and even had time for a nice lunch alone. After we got a lot of errands done and picked up Claire it was off to Grandma and Grandpa's for a nice family dinner. Now most people can't stand their in-laws, but I LOVE MINE!! And I am not just saying that because I know that they read my blog, it's really true! I love Mark's brothers, my sister in law and I get along famously and even Kevin's girlfriend is great! My parents and Mark's parents even like each other. They go golfing and hang out. It is really a dream situation!

Claire loved playing with Uncle Kevin and Aunt Sarah!

After dinner Claire loved putting on a show for everyone!

... I think Daddy liked performing too :)

Claire has a "silky" that she loves to rub on her face and suck her thumb. She usually only wants it at night but lately she wants it more and more. Mark and I have been pretty strict about only giving it to her at nap and bedtime. So today at Grandma and Grandpa's she was getting tired and wanted a silky (there is no one specific silky, anything silky will do). So, Claire asked Grandma for one and she gave it to Claire. I was in the other room and I went to see what she was up to. And this is how I found them....

The second she saw me she goes "Here Grandpa, I all done. You have it!" and pushed the silky towards Grandpa's face!!! This kid is too smart!

We were going to skip bathtime tonight but as you can see, that was not an option after dessert!!

Overall, yet another great day! Tomorrow morning it is off to swim class.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Wow! 2.5 hours at the dmv?! But at least you guys can come visit us at our cottage now!