Saturday, July 25, 2009

Baby Ashlyn

High: We got to meet our new cousin Ashlyn Grace :) AND we had a great dinner with friends :)
Low: We didn't get to spend as much time as I would have like to with our new cousin :(

Today my cousin Christy, her husband Corey, and their 2 month old daughter Ashlyn came to visit. My whole family met up at my uncle's house to see the new baby. Too bad I goofed up the dates and "double booked" the night (after I made my friends switch their dinner party for us...oops) and I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with our family's new addition.

Ashlyn Grace. How awesome is her hair?! She was such a good baby. She smiled the whole time!!

Claire and Ashlyn. Claire actually looked big next to Ashlyn.

Me, Claire, Christy, and Ashlyn. Four hot mamas ;)

After hanging out with my cousin and Ashlyn for a while we headed to my girlfriend's house for dinner. Claire slept at Nana and Papa's, I was a little worried that she wouldn't want us to leave her at my Uncle's but she could have cared less!!

After a delicious dinner we decided to have a fire. Yep, that's Frank working hard on his fire (which ended up taking us about 3 hours to get going).

Shannon and Alex - have you ever seen a cooler couple?!

Me, Jenn, and Shannon..again hot mamas (I only surround myself with hot mamas :)).

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