Monday, June 30, 2014

Hello Summer!!

Today was the first official day of summer!!!  And the weather was AMAZING!  Since it was so beautiful we headed up to the beach!  What better way to start out summer vacation than a day at the beach?!
The Marrano kids came up to join us and we all had a blast.  Poppy and Claire are the same age and they had a a great time hanging out!  Oliver and Sam were like two peas in a pod all day.  It was so nice for Oliver to finally have a boy his age around that loves all the same stuff that he does.  Claire and Oliver cannot wait to hang out with these guys again soon.
We had a great day and I cannot wait to have the rest of the summer to hang out with these two chickens!

Check back tomorrow, I am really going to try to blog every day so that I don't miss any of these memories!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Some Extras

Since I missed a whole month, I wanted to add a post with a bunch of pictures of some of the events that I missed.
We celebrated a wonderful Mother's day.  I was especially thrilled to spend the day with my mother.  I am so proud of her and her battle with breast cancer.  
Claire started lacrosse for Orchard Park.
Oliver did a great job at this Doodledance performance.
Claire and Daddy did another great job at Daddy and Me.
Oliver did an amazing job at his first dance recital and everyone came to cheer him on.
We were so proud of Claire and Oliver for working so hard at dancing this year.  The both did an wonderful job!

Myrtle Beach Part 3

I know I know, I am little (OK a lot) late with my final Myrtle Beach pictures.   But I am not kidding when I say that we have been crazy lately!  But tomorrow marks our first day of summer vacation and that means that I will blog everyday again.  That being said, I need to wrap up my Myrtle Beach trip so that we can move on. 
On our last day the weather was pretty good.  It was a lot warmer than the other days.  It wasn't really hot but it was definitely a decent beach day.
Every now and then the wind would stop and the sun was nice and hot!  Claire loved soaking in some of the heat.
We all enjoyed relaxing in the sun!
Mark was feeling a little yucky from "Daddies Night Out" so Oliver kept rubbing his head to make him feel better.
Me and my buddy.
After a great last day of relaxing on the beach we went to a nice dinner.  After dinner the kids loved going on the merry go round.
Me and my favorite little man.
And of course, me and my little mama.
The Komos :)
I love this crew.
The whole gang.  We really had such a great time together!
After dinner, I was so excited to take the kids on a "Night Walk" on the beach.  This was a total and complete disaster.  It was freezing, windy, and dark.   The kids hated it.  They were tired and cranky and the weather did not help.  Then Claire started to cry because she felt bad that my feelings may be hurt.  She knew how excited I was out the "Night Walk" and she felt so bad that it didn't work out.
I did make everyone pose for one last picture before we headed off to bed.
Needless to say, they slept pretty well.
The next day, it was time to leave.  As you can see...none of us are really happy about the trip being over.
It was a wonderful trip full of wonderful memories.  I can't wait to see what next year brings!