Monday, August 12, 2013

Beach Fun!!

HIGH: We had a great time spending time with the family at the beach :) AND I photographed a beautiful wedding :)
LOW: I didn't take too many pictures this year :(

I photographed my first big wedding last weekend.  I shot my girlfriend's wedding in Mexico two years ago and besides that I have never done another wedding.  Last weekend I had the pleasure of doing an amazing wedding with incredible people!
This was one of the most romantic weddings that I have ever been to!  The brides were so wonderful and I was so happy to be a part of their special day!  I took over 2,000 photos at the wedding and my computer was giving me a bit of trouble when it came time work with them.  But thanks to Mark, it all worked out and I got some great shots of the day.
After the wedding we headed up to the beach for the annual Komosinski Beach Week!  Unfortunately I was a little "pictured out" so I didn't take a ton of pictures but I did get a bunch of pictures throughout the week.  We all had a great time just relaxing at the beach and visiting. Click HERE, HERE, HEREHEREHEREHEREHERE, and HERE to see some past beach weeks!
The kids a great time with the older cousins.  It is so nice how the older "kids" still take time to play with the little ones.
The kids had a great time playing with Briana.
Oliver fell in love with Briana and spent most of his time chatting with her.
Briana was a trooper and played dinosaurs with Oliver for most of the time at the beach.  Here is Oliver with his "dinosaur egg"  that he at one point was sitting on to help it hatch.
I love this little goofball.  He definitely provided some great entertainment at the beach.
And of course Claire spent most of her time with Silly Boy.
They worked so hard on their sand castle.
They were so proud of their final product.
Claire made Mark take her out on the jetski twice.  Let me just clarify that she HATES the jetski and cries EVERYTIME she goes out on it.  But she still made Mark take her out two times!  The poor thing wanted to like it so bad but she just couldn't make it happen.
My little baywatch baby.
The kids loved swimming in the warm lake water.  The water was so calm the one evening that I was very brave and took my camera out.  I was so glad I did because I love this picture of our little (and big) fishies.
Claire loved that Silly Boy would throw her in the water.
The one night we let laterns go.
We were all a little nervous that they were just going to fall onto a house or trees and start a fire!  But they flew in the air beautifully and it was really cool.
The kids thought this was amazing!!
Then I had some glow glasses left over from Jellystone so we busted those out around the fire.
The kids loved them!
And so did the adults!!
The one morning Claire chose her outfit and she wanted me to put her hair in a messy bun with a headband.  I thought it was cute so I did it.  Then when we got outside I realized that Briana had her hair in a messy bun with a headband. It was so sweet!  My little girl is growing up way too fast!!!
The food was delicious!  We had great meals every night.  Here is Diane and Nancy making some delicious stuffed peppers!
The next day Silly Boy transformed their castle into a sand chair for Claire.  Needless to say she was thrilled with this!
Even Mark enjoyed sitting in Claire's new sand chair.

It was another successful beach trip!  I always get so sad when it is over!  It is just so nice to everyone together and relax. I am sad that I didn't get more pictures of the rest of the family!!   I can't wait until next year!

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