Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010 Back To The Doctor

HIGH:  Mark brought home dinner :)
LOW: Claire is sick :(

 Poor Claire.  Last night at dinner told me that her throat hurt when she was eating.  But then she seemed fine and went on playing.  I thought nothing of it until later when I was talking to her and she had sick breath.  We gave her some tylenol and then put her to bed.  Well, about 4 hours later Claire woke up and was NOT happy.  She kept saying her throat was itchy.  Now, Claire is three years old has not woken up in during the night since she was 2 weeks old (once she woke up because she had a fever but that was it).  So I knew something was up.  I took her to the dr. and it's not strep just a virus.  Oh the dreaded virus, a virus equals no antibiotic just waiting.  The poor baby can't swallow anything.  She is soo hungry but EVERYTHING hurts.  The poor baby.  She keeps saying that her cheeks hurt. This is the first time that Claire has been really sick.  She has had fevers and a few colds but never sick sick so she has no idea what is going on.  Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow.

PS Please say a prayer that Oliver DOES NOT get this!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Poor Claire! Hope she feels better soon!