Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 11, 2010

HIGH: Irish festival :) AND My family birthday party :)
LOW:  The music was too loud for Oliver and we had to sit far away from the stage :(

Today was my family birthday party and the annual Irish Festival.  My cousin plays in the Irish band Emish (click here to check them out) and they play at the Irish Festival every year and we all go and have a blast!!  This year Oliver was just too little to be close to the stage, so we didn't get to hang with the family that much, but we still had a great time munchin on snacks and hanging out.

Nonny and Uncle Bill

Claire and Leah.

After the Irish festival we went back to my parents house for dinner and cake :)

Oliver fell in love with my Auntie Rose.  Everything she said Oliver just laughed and cooed.

Papa slicin the meat :)

Everyone enjoyed dinner.

The kids helped blow out my candles (and Uncle Johnny).

But Claire was the biggest help :)

Me and Greg.

I was so happy that my godparents were home from Florida to come and celebrate my birthday with me.

Wouldn't be a post without a kissy picture. This poor kid.

And an extra special thank you to Oliver who slept two nights in a row :)  Thanks buddy!  Also, I would like to thank Gerber for making the delicious cereal that fills my baby's belly and helps us all sleep.


Village Living said...

Looks like you had lots of birthday fun...and that cake looks delicious!!!

Erin said...

Oliver's looking less and less like Claire and more and more like Owen. It's something about him. I think the nose! You're looking like a skinny hot mama in that green shirt! Love Claire's Irish bow!