Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nice Day

HIGH:  It was a nice day :)
LOW:  I have no musical talent whatsoever :(

Today was a nice day.  It was just a nice day.  The sun was shining.  We had a fun play date with friends.  I got the kids ready without any madness.  I got to visit with my friends while the kids played.  Me and my friends had a nice lunch.  Mark was home early.  We had a nice family dinner.  Mark gave Claire her bath.  Mark and I chatted away while I nursed Oliver before bed.  It was just a nice day.  Today was a nice day.

Apparently though, on nice days, I don't take any pictures.  I did however, get a video of myself playing the trombone.

I guess that even on a nice day someone can still make 
not so nice music.
And yes, that is my daughter with no  pants on.

1 comment:

amy said...

Ok - two questions. Where did you get a trombone? Also, why would you try to play it. Don't worry I also have no musical talent! Our poem this week is to Oh Suzanna. I kill it every time!