Saturday, November 5, 2022

Happy Halloween!

So Halloween came and went this year! I can't believe it is already November and I haven't blogged anything!

Halloween gets a little boring as the kids get older but we still made it fun!


We had our annual Halloween Bash at my in laws.  And the kids had a blast carving pumpkins and running around.  Claire had to leave early to babysit but we still had a blast.  We were just missing our Rochester crew!

Claire did her annual Beggar's Night with her friends and then went to a haunted house!
I did Trunk or Treat at school.  And even though my trunk wasn't the best, dressing like Elmo was a hit with the little ones!

Then I got strep throat just in time for Halloween!!!! So our Halloween tradition of trick or treating at our house looked a little different this year but we still made it work.  I stayed home and gang went to the Cappelli's house this time!
Love our sharks!  And I love that the girls still like to dress up together!
The whole gang!  Oliver didn't really care what he was this year, so we busted out the old milk carton!
I love that they still want to trick or treat and that we can still be around for it!  I will take it for as long as I can!

Happy Halloween!!!

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