Sunday, June 28, 2020

Day 103, 104, & 105

I have not been really great with taking pictures lately but I will try to be better.  With the world opening up a bit I guess life has felt a little more back to normal!

Day 103 - On day 103 I did some running around.  I had a physical therapy appointment and I ran to Tops.  It is amazing how wearing a mask, keeping away from others, and hand sanitizing every 5 seconds has become so normal! Life has slowed down so much and I am just trying to stay as positive as possible.  Corona cases are going crazy down south so I have to think that we are doing something right here in our state and that we can keep this thing down!

I didn't get any pictures today but this popped up on my memories!  This is Oliver at his pre-school graduation.  I cannot believe this was 5 years ago!!!

Day 104 - We packed it up early and headed out to the beach!

I have been super obsessed with making iced coffees in my french press and using my milk frother.  Thanks Amanda for the awesome recipe!

It was a beautiful beach day but it was a bit windy.  The kids had a blast!  I am so grateful for the beach right now!  Not only do I love the beach but it has been a great place to go and spend time with friends and family while still being outside and being careful! 

Day 105 - Claire and I signed up for a virtual race!

This race is perfect for me! There are a few different races in one.  You can "run to Rochester" (which is what Claire and I are doing) or you can "run to Syracuse, Albany, or NYC".  You just run on your own and the log in your mileage!  There is also a swim race too (which of course Mark is doing both).  I am not a huge runner.  Right now I have been running a lot because I can't do my usual workouts because of my sill arm and this is just the motivation that I need!

Hopefully my pictures look ok, Blogger has been a little funny lately and I am hoping they fix it soon!

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