Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 8

Yesterday was a rainy lazy day around here.  The kids got their school work done and Mark and I spent a lot of time getting our school work prepared for this whole "distance learning" situation.
 I had a very nice meeting with my team.  It was great to share some ideas on how we all plan to tackle this new way of teaching (which sounds a lot easier than it actually is).
Then we spent a lot of time laying around chatting and playing games today.  

Not all of these days look the same and that's ok.  Today was a "slower" day than normal but we got all of our work done and at our own pace.  None of us went outside (it was rainy and yucky) and we took the day off of exerciszing and that was ok.  I feel good about my plan for my students and we all seem to be adjusting to our new normal and that is what is important!

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