I haven't had time to blog about one of my favorite weeks of summer, BEACH WEEK!
The kids had so much fun hanging out with friends.
We all loved meeting baby Charlie.
Claire and Charlie!
My babies at sunset.
We love hanging out with friends.
I love seeing my friends too!
The weather was gorgeous so we spent a ton of time in the water.
We tried so hard to get a good selfie but I can honestly say this one was my favorite!
Swimming fun!
Some of the beach week crew.
Our first time at the Sportsman!
Even though we had to sit at different tables, we still had a blast.
The kids loved playing music.
Nina was awesome with the kids. She coached them all in a bunch of soccer games!
And the best part is time with the cousins!
Cousin love!
It was another great beach week! I love seeing everyone and spending time at one of my favorite places, the beach!!!!!