Thursday, May 30, 2019

Memorial Day

Last weekend we enjoyed a nice long weekend! It was nice to have a few days of just relaxing and hanging out together!

No one even minded going grocery shopping! After shopping we enjoyed a nice dinner on the patio!

Mark and I even snuck in a date night! Now that Claire is in middle school and has a busy social life (which kills me) Oliver wanted to go to the beach with Grandma and Grandpa and just left me and Mark. And a glimpse into my future when the kids are grown up!

We all enjoyed a day at the beach. It was a bit chilly but summer is soooo close!!!

And I always enjoy watching the kids play at the beach! I love that they still like to build and create stuff while we are there!

After Memorial Day Oliver had his first lacrosse game! There is my man taking the draw! 

Small and mighty ❤️

And Claire has her chorus concert! Here is our traditional post performance shot of her and Kathleen!

We are getting so close to summer!!! I cannot wait for late nights and early mornings, beach days, beach nights,  campfires, night walks, just hanging out with my favorites,  and most of all no packing lunches 😜