Friday, February 22, 2019

How To Train Your Dragon

Tonight I made the kids humor me. When Oliver was super little he was OBSESSED with How To Train Your Dragon. Like obsessed. EVERYTHING he did involved dragons, every book he read was about dragons, and he even acted like a dragon for 75% of the day. Mark and I used to have to tell him “That’s enough Oliver, be a little boy now.” in order to get him to eat dinner or just talk like a regular boy. So when the new movie came out you can imagine my dismay when he was completely uninterested in seeing it. It killed me. I wanted my little dragon boy back so badly but he just wasn’t into it!!!! But he humored me and we went to see the movie (which we all loved). And yes, I made him bring his stuffed Toothless. It only seemed right.

Then I made them go furniture shopping with me!

There are definitely some perks to them growing up a bit. For example, furniture shopping was much easier and we enjoyed a nice dinner at Moe’s afterwards with some nice discussions about conspiracy theories. So while I will continue to mourn my little dragon boy and curly haired princess I will enjoy my little adults too!