Thursday, August 11, 2016


I know it has been awhile but we have been really busy over here!  A few weeks ago Mark completed his second Ironman in Lake Placid.
 The kids were so excited for another rode trip!
We all had a great time supporting Mark! 
The day before the race we love to walk around and check out all of the set ups.
I love to see everyone's bike ready to go.
And all of their bags packed up!
And of course, sight seeing is always a blast!
 Claire and Oliver were pumped to run the IronKids race!
The Beehlers were there to cheer the kids on.
The kids did a great job.  Oliver ran a 1/2 mile and Claire did the mile.  I am so proud of them!
 We enjoyed a delicious dinner the night before the race!
My most favorite people in the whole world!

The morning of the race was so exciting!
And we were ready for a day of map reading, rushing around, and waiting to see our Ironmen!
We kept ourselves busy!
Mark did a great job on the swim!  Next up, the bike!
He rocked the bike too!
And we were there to cheer him on!
After the bike, it was time to run!
Our IronKids are such troopers!
Marge and Dave waiting for Mark to run by!
After a long day we were finally waiting for him at the FINISH LINE!!
We lost Oliver but the rest of us were ready for him!
He made it!!!!!
Poor Oliver was still waking up!
But he congratulated his Daddy anyway!
Everyone was so proud of Mark!
It was so exciting!
Then Beehler finished and we could all celebrate!
Team Komosinski!
 The day after the race we enjoyed some sight seeing at Whiteface Mountain.
It was a little cloudy but there was still a great view!
I love these faces.
It was so gorgeous!
After we went up the mountain we decided to check out the skiing area.
We loved the gondola ride.  Maybe someday we will ski there!!!
After a great trip to Lake Placid we stopped at Old Forge to go to the Enchanted Forest waterpark!  
The hotel was amazing!
Poor Claire woke up with a stiff neck and couldn't do too much right away and one of the workers saw that she was upset and brought her a slurpee!  It was so sweet!
While Claire was healing up we had a blast doing all the "non-water" stuff.
This place was so cute, it had all these displays of all the fairy tales!  And some of them would read the stories to you!  We loved it!
Claire with the man who had a crooked house because she was crooked that day!
His chair was perfect for her.
Oliver loved it too.
Hanzel and Gretel's house was a hit too!
Just cookin' up some kids.

Sleeping Beauty's house was exhausting!
Cinderella's Pumpkin
Chillin' in a tree that Paul Bunyan chopped down!
 Hanging with Paul Bunyan.
Paul's pretty big.
Played some silver bells.
Finally Claire started to feel better and then it was water slide city!!
We were ready to rock!  We had so much fun on the water slides! It turns out that I like water parks way more than I thought I would!!
It was such a great trip!  Life is definitely good and I am so lucky to have had this trip with this bunch!  I love our trips and I hope the kids remember them with fond memories and maybe forget all the crazy things that I do and say about the packing and planning and such :)

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