Friday, June 26, 2015

Pre-K Graduation!!

Yesterday was Oliver's Pre-K graduation.  Yes that's right, my baby is going to Kindergarten. 
 Not only did yesterday mark the end of Oliver's Pre-K year, it also ended our time at Doodlebugs (well besides summer camp). 
Every morning for the last 8 years (since Claire started at Doodlbeugs) Mark would drive the kids to school and I would wave from the front window as they pulled away.  I realized last week that we are at the end of me watching the kids pull away in the morning while I wave.  Now they will be staying with my father in the mornings while I drive off to work.  Maybe they can wave to me now :(
Here is Oliver ready to head out for his big graduation.
Claire was there to cheer him on.  I can remember going to Claire's Pre-K graduation like it was yesterday (click HERE to check out Claire's graduation).
Here is my little ham making his way to the stage.
He was so excited.
 Oliver sang his little heart out!  He is my little performer!
 Finally, it was the magic moment.  Oliver was proud as a peach when they called his name to get his diploma!
So proud.
My babies.
Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, & Papa were so proud of their grandson.
Mark and I were pretty proud too.
Oliver was so thrilled to see Miss Briana there to cheer him on!
Oliver loved having Miss Ashley as his teacher.
He loved Miss Taylor too.
Oliver and his best girl Ella.
Oliver, Ella, and Caleb.
Oliver and Ethan.
Oliver and Victoria.
 He was so proud of himself!
This is the scrapbook page that I made for Oliver for his graduation.

Oliver did so well in Pre-K.  He learned so much and made so many friends that he will miss so much next year.  Now..ON TO KINDERGARTEN!!!!!!

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