Wednesday, January 8, 2014


This we stayed home to celebrate New Year's Eve!  We decided to invite some friends and their kids over and have a nice dinner. We had such a great time that I didn't even take that many pictures!  The adults had a great time eating and playing a hilarious game, while the kids had a blast just running around and being kids!
 One of my favorite things about Christmas and New Year's in decorating my table just like my mother used to do.
And of course the kids table needed to be decorated too!
I did my best to get a group shot of all of the children.  I still can't believe that all of these little people belong to us.  It all started with a group of girls becoming friends in high school and college and now we have all this.  Isn't it great?!
These two chickens are my favorite though.
It was a wonderful New Year's celebration! I loved being with my closest friends and family.  I don't make resolutions due to the fact that I never keep them.  But every year I do think of things about myself that I don't necessarily want to change about myself, just better about myself.  This year I would like to work on my photography (specifically infant photography) and blog more.  This time with my family is so precious and I want to remember it all.  I love looking back on my previous blog posts and remembering all the wonderful things that have taken place.  I also love to see how much the children have grown.  So I want to make sure that I keep this up so that in the future we will have all of this to look back on and laugh at all of our great memories.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014!!!!!!!

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