Sunday, December 1, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year I have so much to be thankful for.  I am thankful for so many things that I don't even think that I can list them all.  But most of all, I am thankful for my family.  I have the most perfect children in the world and the best husband that anyone can ask for.  I am also blessed with a great extended family and wonderful in laws. 
The thing that I am the most thankful for this year is my mother.  She was diagnosed with breast cancer in August and is now going through chemo.  It has been tough but she has been so strong.  I love her very much and I am so thankful that she is on the mend.    I have truly learned that your every breath is a gift and I will not take anything for granted!!
Claire and Oliver had a touch of a cough so just to be safe they wore masks, which they thought was totally awesome. 
Since my mother wasn't feeling well my Auntie Rose had Thanksgiving this year and we had a great time.
 My little Turkeys.
Oliver had a great time playing dinosaurs with Fran.
The guys did a great job deep frying the turkey.
Claire told me that she didn't need to bring any toys with her to Auntie Rose's house because, "As long as Leah will be there I will perfectly content hanging out with her."

It was another great Thanksgiving and I just loved being with my family.

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