Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Science Museum

Over the break (I know I am a little late with this post) we became members at the Science Museum.  This is perfect place for Claire AND Oliver!  They have so many wonderful things that interest both of them!
 Oliver was so excited to see the dinosaurs!!
  But when he actually got to see them, they freaked him out!  I am not sure that he was really ready for how GIGANTIC they are! After a while he got more comfortable with them and loved them!  Claire had gone to the Science Museum on a field trip so she was very proud to show us all around.
They had a whole sports exhibit and the kids had a blast playing all the games.
My little football player.
My dainty football player.
 Everyone had fun practicing our lacrosse skills.
Claire was beside herself with the solar system exhibit.
They both loved the puzzles.
And Mark loved doing the weather.
My little Weathermen.
Claire really enjoyed all the space stuff. Here is my little astronaut.
My gorgeous girl.

We all had a blast and we can't wait to go back!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

We were just there yesterday for a playdate! We are members too, so let's pick a day and meet up!