Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Stokoe Farms

I know I am a little late but two weekends ago we had a great time at Stokoe Farms with our family!  We go to the "Pumpkin Patch" every year with the family and we have made some revisions to which "Patch" we like the best and I think this is our favorite yet!!  Click HERE and HERE and HERE to see some of our previous "Pumpkin Patch" visits.
Claire, Oliver, and Owen had a blast on the train ride.  It is so fun that they can all ride alone now!  It was just too bad that they could not fit in one car.  Notice that Claire is checking on her buddy Owen.
The kids had a blast getting some "feed" for the animals.
Oliver recovered from the "donkey incident" and loved feeding the animals.
All the kids loved pumping water to the animals.
Claire loved playing with the diggers.
Oliver was thrilled that there were trucks for him to play with.
Even Mark got into it, with his dress shoes on and his coffee of course.
The Duckie Race is always a hit.
The kids loved riding the bikes around the tracks.  Oliver was ready for Daddy's turn to be over so that he could ride!
Claire is such a big girl now, she heads off on her own.
Oliver needed a little help because he had to pick the BIGGEST bike there was there.  But I don't think that him or Daddy really minded!
The kids loved riding the big tube!
And going inside of it too!
It kept shaking and the kids loved it!
Oliver and Owen took their time getting through it!
First try at a family shot on the tractor.
And a second try!
Aunt Erin, Uncle Brian, and Owen on the tractor.  Owen kept saying "The tractor is broken!" because it wasn't moving!
The kids loved being spiders on the spider web.  They especially loved when Grandpa came up said they were all flies and he was gonna eat them up!  Then he grabbed them all and they LOVED that!!!
The three Besties on the log bridge.  I love how much fun the three of them have together!!
Claire was so proud that she could make it up to the tree house by herself!
Then she loved coming down the slide!
And so did Owen.  NO HANDS!!
And Oliver.
And Mark!
Mark and Oliver loved coming down the big slide!
And so did me and Claire!  Claire screamed the whole way down!
Then it was off to the Pumpkin launcher.  Aunt Erin held her title and was the only one to hit the van again!
The kids loved the corn maze, although I am not sure Oliver really grasped the point.  He kept walking THROUGH the corn!
The Besties walking along and talking away!
Finally it was time to pick our pumpkins.
After much searching Oliver chose this one.
And Claire chose this one!

We had another great time.  But seriously I think we could all be in a big open field with nothing around us and we would have a blast!  The kids love our "Pumpkin Patch" tradition but, truthfully I think the adults love it even more!  I am already excited about next year!!!

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