Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the most amazing father in the world.  No matter how busy you are you always give your children 110% and that is why they think the sun rises and sets at your feet.  WE LOVE YOU!!!
Also, Happy Father's Day to my Daddy!  You have made me the woman I am today.  You are always there to listen and help me out.  You are not only an incredible father to me but you are an amazing Papa to your grandchildren.  We all love you very much!!

Mark started to teach Claire how to ride a two wheeler today.  She was very nervous and cried a little because she said "the bike is shaky and it scares me!"  But when I asked her if she wanted us to put her training wheels back on she told me (through her tears) "NO!  I will just have to learn how to ride without them!"  I love her!!!

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