Monday, October 10, 2011

Nana's Birthday!

Today we celebrated Nana's birthday.  Nana and Papa took us to Hidden Valley Animal Adventures.  Last year they took Claire but Oliver was too little so we stayed home with him.  This year we all went and it was AWESOME!
This place was gorgeous!!  It is 63 acres and the animals live there and roam the land.  The owner set up some trolleys to take people around the land and feed the animals. 
 As soon as we got there, Oliver was amazed by this huge bear!
They had a really great hay maze for the kids.  
Claire loved showing Oliver how to get through the maze.
It was really sweet to see them walk through the maze together.
 We had a nice lunch while we waited for the trolley.
Claire had fun playing antler ring toss while we finished our food.
 This whole place was just gorgeous!
 While we waited in line there was this truck.  Thank God this truck was there because Oliver fell in love with it!!
He just loved looking at it....
touching it....
and then telling us all about it!
Then when he was done with the truck, he had a seat and drank some juice while we waited. 
Finally, our trolley came and we were ready to see some animals!
I couldn't believe it, these animals really came RIGHT up to the trolley!!
I really thought that Oliver would get bored after a while, but he LOVED it!!!
These gigantic animals were so friendly and sweet!
Oliver thought they were just awesome!  He didn't even get scared!  He kept waving and yelling "HI" at every new animal we saw!
Claire loved feeding the animals.  She went last year so she was an old pro and told us everything that we had to do.
The ride was an hour long and I really thought that he was going to get bored and antsy.  But he was so busy watching the animals and yelling to them that he didn't get bored once.
After his final "HI"....
he started to look like this....
then like this....
then like this...
and finally this.
While Oliver was sleeping the trolley ride ended and we headed to the petting zoo.  Claire loved this part.  We just walked around with the animals hanging out and feed them.
This goat was hilarious!  Claire kept calling him Wilbur and he followed us everywhere!
Claire really loved the animals.  She was so kind to them and gentle.
Look who's's Wilbur!
On the way home we stopped for gourds, apples, and cornstalks.  It was a tight squeeze home, but we made it!
Then it was time for Nana's birthday dinner and cake.  Yes, I made the cake.  I am not sure what happened but I did my best.  It may look a mess, but it was delicious!!!
The kids loved singing happy birthday!!
I swear they are not laughing at my cake.
Oliver loved wishing Nana a happy birthday!

It was a great day!!  Happy birthday Nana!!  We love you!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Fun, fun, fun! Marc has been dying to go to that place! He'll be so jealous when I show him your pics.

And I absolutely love the series of OJ falling asleep - too cute!