Monday, September 12, 2011

Back To Dance

Today was Claire's first day of dance class.  She was very excited this year.  She loves dancing!!  Also, she is SUPER excited because her best friend Giada is going to be in her class!!
Seriously...can she be any cuter?!?!
Before dancing we had a little time to take some pictures.  Claire was having a blast posing and practicing her moves, so I just snapped away.  The pictures came out so cute I have to post a bunch of them!
This girl's got some moves.
She was so serious!!
Then she requested some pictures of her hugging the tree.
Claire was excited to see her dancing buddies!  She was pumped to introduce Giada to her old buddy Ava.
A little booty shake in class.
Claire and Giada dancing to the "Hello Song"!
Marchin' it out.
BFFs holding hands while waiting for their turn.

I was so proud of Claire today.  I can't believe how old she is getting.  I remember doing Mommy and Me two years ago and she was sooo tiny.  Click HERE to check her out!  Now she is all on her own and doing great.  She changes her own shoes and listens so well.  I am so proud of her!!!


Tammy said...

These are spectacular...the booty shake, the jump in the air, the array of poses...fabulous.

Amanda said...

Love every single one of these pics. Claire has turned out to be quite the ham! And I looked at the pics from our first year of dance! Holy cow! They were BABIES! And we were PREGNANT! Oh, the memories!

amy said...

Love, Love, Love!! The scary part is that there are a few little Edie pics on there!!