Sunday, February 6, 2011

The First Week

HIGH: First week was a success :)
LOW: Starting a new grade level is going to be a little bit more work than I thought it was going to be :(

Well, my first week back was a success!  Complete with a SNOWDAY on Wednesday!!  The same thing happened when I went back to work after I had Claire.  Must be my tradition :)
Notice Claire's dress in this picture.  This is her Christmas dress from 2 years ago and she wears is ALL THE TIME now.
On our snowday we just relaxed and had a great time.  Everyone even managed to sneak a nap in.
Claire and I enjoyed watching "Alice In Wonderland".  I not going to lie, that movie still gives me the creeps.

Work went really well.  I work with great people and they really made it nice to come back.  Switching down to Kindergarten is going to take a little getting used to but my class is super sweet so it shouldn't take long.  Plus, my longterm was amazing so everything is all set up for me...THANK GOD!
On Saturday, we went to Matthew and Kaitlyn's birthday party.  Claire loves the Beehler parties because she loves going to the firehall!!
My baby looks good driving the big riggs!

Oliver did really well this week at school.  He is adjusting just fine!  In the beginning of the week he would cry whenever another baby cried (that must have been really fun for his teachers) but now he is getting used to it and is much happier all day.  He is BEAT though when he gets home!  Friday night he went to bed at 6:30pm (which I thought was just going to be a quick nap) and then he slept until 8:30 am THE NEXT MORNING!!  Poor kid!  Hopefully within the next few weeks we will all get this new routine down and life will be back to "normal".

1 comment:

Amanda said...

So glad it went well for you at school this week! And I'm glad Oliver is adjusting to school too, he's going to be a smarty pants just like his sister!

(Sam can barely make it up until 6:30pm these days too and he usually sleeps until 7:30!)