Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 46

 I know I keep saying it but thank God for Google Meet. I really enjoy meeting with my class.  Yesterday we had a visit from the art teacher and it was really fun.  I love seeing all of their little faces and hearing them talk.  I miss them so much!
 Claire and I beat the rain and had a beautiful walk yesterday.  I love walking with her.  We chat away and get some exercise.  I love it.  We would never have time for 4 mile walks every day in the real world so I have to say that I am really grateful for this time with my girl!!!
Somehow I have not had a lot of time to read.  Honestly by the time I finish my schoolwork, the kids' schoolwork, get some exercise in, and cook/clean up meals I am beat and ready to watch TV lol.  I am forcing myself to take out some more time in my day to read!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 45

 We have been obsessed with "The Masked Singer".  We watch it every night.  I love when we all snuggle up and get cozy and watch a show.  We talk, laugh, bicker, and snuggle.  It is wonderful. It is one of my favorite things all the time, but especially right now.  We don't get a lot of time in the real world to do this so I am loving being able to do it each night!
We got a little panicked yesterday because rumor has it that meat is going to become pretty scarce due to businesses closing due to COVID-19.  We have a quite a bit of meat stocked up already but we decided to stock up some more just to be safe.  Mark ran out and hooked us up so we (us and my parents) are good for a while. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 44

 On our walks Claire has made mention that she would be walking with her friends to the village after school and going to Panera to get smoothies if the world wasn't closed up.  So yesterday on our walk I told her we should take a different route.  This route took us by Panera so I ordered us smoothies and we grabbed them on our walk back home. She was pretty happy and I know it's not the same but I was happy that she was happy! 

Then we hung out in the gorgeous weather and Claire taught Oliver how to climb a tree.
 Then we jumped on the bandwagon and did the chalk art!
 It came out super cute!

These are the days that I will cherish during this whole thing!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Day 43

Yesterday the weather was yucky so we didn't get outside much.  I made my videos for school, Mark went for a trail run (he seriously has no idea how to relax), and the kids just hung out. 
Claire is learning about Edgar Allen Poe this week so we talked about him for a while during dinner.  After dinner Mark read the kids some Poe while I cleaned up the kitchen.  I thought for sure the kids would bolt out of there but they really seemed to enjoy it!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Day 42

Yesterday the weather was gorgeous so I put on my music and went for my 4 mile walk through the village.  It was so sad to see all of the closed signs on some of the busiest places in the village.

 The village has flags up and down the street.  It is really nice to see OP trying to stay together. 

 It was really sad when I got to Green Lake and there were no kids playing there.  Usually on a day like this the place is packed with children playing.  Instead they took the nets down so kids don't gather to play basketball.
 The playground was also closed and it just looked so sad. 
 Some stores are still open but on for curbside pickup.
 It is so strange but quickly becoming a "new normal". One of the positives of my walk today was seeing all the families and people walking, biking, and enjoying the sunshine! 
 Oliver practiced his hockey for a while today.  I gave it try but apparently when you give me a hockey stick I think I am playing golf lol.
 Then we had a nice social distancing fire and my parents walked over (I swear my Dad is 6 feet away from Mark, I have no idea why they look so close in this picture).  It was the first time we have "hung out" with my parents in 42 days.  
It was nice to sit and visit, even if we couldn't hug them or sit too close.  Our neighbors were having a fire in their driveway too so it was fun to shout across the lawns and visit with them too.  We all enjoyed our crazy Saturday night!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Day 41

Yesterday was cleaning day! Before we cleaned we finished up our school work.
 Oliver had to make a fort for his reading and he loved his cozy spot!
 Mark and Oliver enjoyed playing his game for Math.
 Claire decided to make fried dough today.  Well actually she was planning to make churros but we decided to just make fried dough instead.
 It was delicious!
 And then it was time for MOE'S FRIDAY!!!!!  Mark is finally coming around to the idea of ordering out!

We finished up the evening snuggling up together and wrapping up The Circle. It was a pretty good Friday around here.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Day 40

 Yesterday was a big day for Oliver.  There was a "live event" and Oliver was thrilled!  As much as I hate the whole Fortnite thing, it was nice to see him so excited to meet up with his friends so "go to" this live event.
Then we all hung out for Brian's birthday!  It was fun to see everyone and sing happy birthday!
 Then we all curled up to watch our new favorite show, "The Circle".

I have said it before and I will say it again, thank God for technology during this whole thing!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 39

For the last week or so Mark has been making the best lunch salads for us each day.  I will put these on the list of things I will miss when this is all over!

But this is still so true.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 38

I didn't get any pictures yesterday.  I spent a lot of time on schoolwork.  This whole thing has been insane for us teachers.  I know it is hard for families to get their work done and help their children.  I am trying to do it too!  But, I still want my students to feel connected to me and to school.  I also still want them to have stuff to work on to keep those skills up. 
I have been making a lot of videos for my kids.  I feel like that helps both of us.  It keeps me busy and they can still see me teach.  This whole thing has been so crazy and there is no right way to do this.  I am sure that some parents feel that I am doing too much and  others that feel like I am not doing enough.  I just hope they all know that EVERYTHING that I am doing is out of love and it is all for your children until we can be together again.  It hard with other teachers too. Since there is no right way to do this, some of us feel the need to "keep up" with others.  I hear these amazing things that my teachers friends are doing and I feel like I should be doing that too.  But, we all have to remember that each of our rooms always ran differently and that is ok.  We just have to keep doing what WE can for our students. This is hard. Super hard. It is stressful. Super stressful.  And I feel like everywhere I look people are blasting teachers for sending too much and overwhelming parents.  I keep reading posts about parents being "over it" when it comes to the kids' school work.  And I take it super personally, even though I know that I shouldn't.  No teacher out there expects everyone to get it all done. We are meeting mandates from the districts and the state.  We just ask what we always have, stay positive about school.  Your kids will feed off of your energy and if they sense your distaste for school, they will feel the same way. 

 I miss my kids, I miss my school, I miss my friends, I miss it all. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 37

 Yesterday Claire and I walked (and walked and walked and walked).  It was so nice to have a walking buddy!

 Our first walk, we walked 4 miles.  We walked up through the village and passed Claire's school.  My heart breaks for her (and all the kids out there).  She has been so great throughout this whole thing but the poor kid misses her friends, and school, and sports (especially sports).  It stinks.  She kept talking about how she would be walking with her friends to Panera after school and how she would be at practice right now.  It just breaks my heart.
 After dinner we headed over to Chestnut Ridge for another 2 mile walk.  I love being outdoors but seeing the playgrounds closed is so sad.
Grandma and Grandpa met us and we walked together.  Six feet apart the whole time!  It was so nice to visit with them in our "new normal" way. I can't wait until we can all just be together!  But I have to keep reminding myself, we will get there and this is what is best for now.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Day 36

 Yesterday the weather was a little icky but I still got my walk in!  And I had a special guest for the end of my walk.  I loved walking with Oliver and chatting away about books.  These are the times that I need to cherish during all of this madness.
Yesterday was also filming day.  I spent the day setting up my green screen and filming my instructional videos for the week.  This  new way of learning is definitely different but I feel like I am getting there!  Which means everything will probably change soon lol!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 35

 Yesterday Kitty and Dawn "safely" dropped off some delicious treats for us!
 I finally found weights!!!  Thanks to Facebook!
 The fire department put on a firetruck parade and drove through the town!  It was really cute, even my big kids enjoyed it!
 Claire had a science project and her and Mark worked super hard on it.
They had a lot of fun and the video came out awesome!
Here is the video!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Day 34

Yesterday I worked on getting my lessons ready for next week.
 This is the part that I really enjoy!
 Claire made some delicious blueberry muffins for dessert.
And Mark let us order from the Byrd House!  Then we ended the evening all snuggled up watching TV.  Bring on the weekend!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Day 33

Yesterday was another busy day over here.  My days seem to be filled with meetings with colleagues, phone calls, researching fun school activities, learning new technology, emailing with parents/students, and planning lessons.  While doing that I help the kids out with their work.  Once we finish all of that is time to relax!  Well kind of, I never really finish.  Mark and I are always answering emails and phone calls throughout the night.
 Last night I met with my buddies and had some well needed laughs!
 Claire and I skipped our workout yesterday and it showed!  She was full of energy last night and her and Mark put on quite the show in the living room.

Love these goofballs.